Monday, October 1, 2007

Dissertation update

Last week, largely because of an important meeting with my advisor, I cranked out a decent chapter of the ole diss. I finished in time for the meeting. Good news.

Said advisor liked what she saw and said that I was making good progress. Good news.

In the middle of lunch, advisor confirms a rumor circulating among the graduate students - she's leaving the university after next spring. If I don't want to start over and form another committee, I should finish everything by May. Good news?

Normally, I think I would be in a panic. After all, I have been working under this woman for six years and she has grown to respect my work. If I had to start over, I would have to establish that type of relationship with a whole new person. And anyone who works with academics knows that these personalities are not easy to work with. However, I actually this new development is kind of a blessing. I now have a tangible deadline. I have to be done next year - no excuses.


Jenna said...

Wow, way to look on the bright side of things! I think I'd be a wreck, but you are taking it all in beautifully.

Congrats for overcoming another hurdle.

snoopyjoanne said...

you can do it portia!!! :)

Carol said...

you go girl!